- "ADHD Experts Re-Evaluate Study's Zeal for Drugs" by Alan Schwarz (Dallas News)
- "For Refugees, Starting Over Just Got Harder" by Kristian Secher (The Tyee)
- "Kids, Poverty, and Mental Health: Anxiety a Growing Problem" by Denise Davy (CBC)
- "Women With Mental Health Issues at Greater Risk of Abuse: Study" by Gayle Macdonald (Globe and Mail)
- "Is Too Much Tanning a Mental Illness" by Alexandra Sifferlin (Time)
- "Study: Adderall Doesn't Help Kids Get Better Grades" by Gwynn Guilford (The Atlantic)
- "If Fighting Mental Illness Were an Olympic Sport" by Rachel Pruchno (Psychology Today)
- "School-Based Brain Training Shown to Alleviate ADHD" by Deborah Kotz (The Boston Globe)
- "Facebook's Gender Labeling Revolution" by Sarah Elizabeth Richards (Time)
- "Doctors Train to Spot Signs of ADHD in Children" by Alan Schwarz (NY Times)
- "Citalopram Improves Agitation in Alzheimer's Patients But Has Cardiac Risks" by Mary Ann Moon (Clinical Psychiatry News)
- "Harm Can Continue Even After Bullying Stops" by Michelle Healy (USA Today)
- "Renaming 'Mental Illness' to 'Brain Disorder' Will Not Erase the Stigma" by Natasha Tracy (Huffington Post)
- "How Asperger's Reignited a Passion for Art" by Emma Tracey (BBC News)