- "Who Leaves Suicide Notes? A Six-Year Population-Based Study" by Julie Cerel, Melinda Moore, Margaret M. Brown, Judy van de Venne and Sabrina L. Brown (American Association of Suicidology)
- "A year after Vancouver declares mental health crisis, cases continue to climb" by Andrea Woo (Globe and Mail)
- "Candidate wants injection site in Rideau-Vanier" by Jon Willing (Ottawa Sun)
- "Fentanyl on street an epidemic, says former addict" by Charles Hamilton (Leader Post)
- "Soldier in PTSD case confined after Halifax military court ruling" by Aaron Beswick (Chronicle Herald)
- "My Mom Had Privilege But No Mental Health Treatment" by Rachel Thexton (Huffington Post)
- "Warning issued as 31 people in Vancouver overdose on heroin" by The Canadian Press (Globe and Mail)
- "Paramedic seeks help for PTSD" by Antonella Artuso (Ottawa Sun)