- "W5 uncovers 300 suicide deaths by patients in Canadian hospitals" by Annie Burns-Pieper & Kevin Newman (CTV News)
- "More Older Adults Are Struggling With Substance Abuse" by Abby Ellin (NY Times)
- "Drug Addiction Viewed Far More Negatively Than Mental Illness" by McCarton Ackerman (The Fix)
- "Why emergency services need a 'culture change' to deal with PTSD" by Mark Gollom (CBC News)
- "Isolation and hallucinations: the mental health challenges faced by astronauts" by Vaughan Bell (Guardian)
- "The Always-On Stalker" by Hilary Beaumont (The Coast) - A detailed story of two women who sought help from the justice system for sexual assault, harassment and domestic abuse, as well as help from the mental health system for the suicidality, anxiety and PTSD that resulted. While the lack of support from law enforcement is the main focus of the article, issues with the mental health system were made abundantly clear when one of the women described her visit to the Psychiatry Emergency Service in Halifax when she felt suicidal.