- "Believe It or Not, Big Tobacco May Help Make Anti-Addiction Drugs" by Substance.com (Huffington Post)
- "André Picard talks to the Ontario Brain Institute about emerging depression treatments" (Globe and Mail VIDEO)
- "Cheshire woman’s death illustrates dangers of hoarding" by Pam McLoughlin (New Haven Register)
- "80% of People Think Alzheimer’s Is A Normal Part of Aging" by Alicia Park (Time)
- "Antidepressant warnings tied to suicide attempts in youths" by Andrew Seaman (Reuters)
- "Researchers Focus on Recovery in Schizophrenia" by MJ Friedrich (JAMA)
- "Opiate overdose deaths rising across Canada" by Maureen Brosnahan (CBC)
- "‘Thinking of Ways to Harm Her’ - New Findings on Timing and Range of Maternal Mental Illness" by Pam Belluck (NY Times)