- "Patient Drug History to be Scrutinized Before Narcotics Prescription" by Molly Segal (CBC)
- "Ontario Eliminating Wait Lists for Developmental Service" by Laure Monsebraaten and Andrea Gordon (The Star)
- "Case Exposes Failing of Mental Health System: Lawyer" (CBC)
- "Identification of Pathways for Bipolar Disorder: A Meta Analysis" by John I. Nurnberger Jr, Daniel L. Koller, Jeesun Jung, Howard J. Edenberg, Tatiana Foroud, Ilaria Guella, Marquis P. Vawter, John R. Kelsoe, for the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Group (JAMA).
- "Depression, Suicide Among Canadian Soldiers Concerns Military Surgeon General" (CBC)
- "Housing is Most Cost-Effective Treatment for Mental Illness: Study" by Andre Picard (Globe and Mail)
- "Why Aren't Our Politicians Doing More to Fight the Mental Illness Stigma?" by Marvin Ross (Huffington Post)
- "Why Mental Illness Is As Serious As This Life-Threatening Disease" by Lauren Messervey (Huffington Post)
- "Idea of New Attention Disorder Spurs Research and Debate" by Alan Schwarz (NY Times)