What Does That Mean To You?
"Person with mental illness"
What does that mean to you?
Can I be a leader, specialist, educator
And have that label too?
No one is immune from the piercing claws of depression
Life-altering anxiety cripples one's mind. apprehensive intrusion
Money, education and career don't protect from mental health concerns
Suicide claims our loved ones lives; no gender, age, social or cultural
I have mental health issues
But 'who I am' is so much more
I'm not my depression or my anxiety
Look to my heart, my soul, my core
Value experience and education together
Each one of us, we are unique but united
Take time for and learn from one another
Real face to face time, human contact ignited
Listen openly to what I am saying
Show me, I need to know you care,
Being vulnerable is a place to start
To reduce stigma, we must share
Look beyond the words spoken
Body language talks, be aware
Hiding behind the mask happens
Notice hope replaced with despair
Why does my life matter? Why live?
Many ask these questions every day
Reach out with empathy, a loving touch
"I'm here for you, I'm not leaving, OK?"
Humans have so much to offer in this world
We have unlimited love and learning potential
Our minds can take us to mountain tops and valleys
Taking care of our mental health is essential
Life is complex, so many paths to travel down
We may be on a dangerous road, reroute now
No one's on a pedestal; no person is better than you or me
For those dealing with mental illness, let's help somehow
"Person with mental illness"
What does that mean to you?
Can I be a leader, specialist, educator
And have that label too?