A new study published in Nature determined an explicit difference in specific blood biomarkers, predominantly RNA, between patients diagnosed with MDD and control patients. Furthermore, after 18 weeks of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), patients who had responded to the treatment and were no longer impressed showed a shift in several of their RNA transcriptional biomarkers to reflect those of the controls. Lastly, individuals who responded to the CBT showed a unique biomarker profile relative to other individuals suffering from MDD, even before the treatment began. This gives hope towards the notion of being able to not only identify individuals with MDD, but identifying which therapeutic interventions are more likely to aid them.
Summary of the article here: http://www.iflscience.com/brain/blood-test-diagnoses-depression
Original article here: http://www.nature.com/tp/journal/v4/n9/full/tp201466a.html