"This film follows the true story of several individuals and their families as they embark on their journey to recovery. It reveals their experiences in addiction treatment and includes interviews with multiple treatment “experts” connected to the 35 billion dollar treatment industry. The contrast between the expert statements and the truth is dramatic. The experiences and outcomes of treatment for the individuals interviewed are far less than ideal. The Business of Recovery reveals the extremely low ethical standards of the rehab industry and the truth behind the many unlicensed and unprofessional individuals who run it. The unfortunate reality is that vulnerable families who are seeking help for a loved one in crisis are being met with high-pressure sales tactics rather than compassionate care and reliable information. The self-interest of the addiction treatment industry is shockingly apparent. Be prepared: The client stories in this film are infuriating and heartbreaking."
Looking for a movie to watch this weekend? How about the new documentary "The Business of Recovery", which explores the drug and alcohol addictions recovery industry. The film investigates various treatment facilities in the United States and the ways in which they operate, as well as the staggering costs and personal impacts these treatments have on those struggling with substance use disorders and their families. It was the hope of director Alan Finberg and producer Greg Horvath, that the film would foster awareness and help educate consumers of these rehab services, in addition to sparking greater interest in addictions and help bring about change in the form of pushing for more government regulations and evidence-based treatments. "This film follows the true story of several individuals and their families as they embark on their journey to recovery. It reveals their experiences in addiction treatment and includes interviews with multiple treatment “experts” connected to the 35 billion dollar treatment industry. The contrast between the expert statements and the truth is dramatic. The experiences and outcomes of treatment for the individuals interviewed are far less than ideal. The Business of Recovery reveals the extremely low ethical standards of the rehab industry and the truth behind the many unlicensed and unprofessional individuals who run it. The unfortunate reality is that vulnerable families who are seeking help for a loved one in crisis are being met with high-pressure sales tactics rather than compassionate care and reliable information. The self-interest of the addiction treatment industry is shockingly apparent. Be prepared: The client stories in this film are infuriating and heartbreaking."
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Supporting and enhancing students' and health professionals' knowledge and understanding of mental health and psychiatry
June 2017