"I do find it helpful and I do find it important, but personally for me, there’s always this feeling – even when I have a great relationship with my therapist – I find it a bit strange that I have to pay someone to talk to me,” he says. “It just feels very exploitative in a way, because it’s paying for attention. It feels that way to me.”
"When you are in the state of mind where you realize you might need help, you probably need it right now. And it takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time to get an appointment. It takes a lot of time to find the right person,” she says."
"With a therapist, that conversation is all about you. You get in there and you are not responsible for hurting his feelings. … With your friends, you are censoring yourself to make sure that they like you. You are censoring yourself because you know your friends’ issues and you don’t want to exacerbate their own issues that they might have."