Spend a few minutes today learning more about FASD and how it can be prevented. A number of great articles and resources on the topic from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health can be found at the links below. You can also follow all the conversations and discussions on Twitter by checking out #FASDAwarenessDay!
- http://camhblog.com/2014/09/08/every-day-should-be-fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-awareness-day/
- http://www.camheducation.ca/2014/09/09/lib-fasd-awareness/
- http://www.camh.ca/en/hospital/about_camh/newsroom/CAMH_in_the_headlines/stories/Pages/Guilt-shame-and-redemption-coping-with-Fetal-Alcohol-Spectrum-Disorder.aspx