During his talk, Dr. Lu also provided students with a number of resources to which they could refer to learn more about culture competency in psychiatry, and help develop a better understanding of how one's culture, background and beliefs can affect treatment decisions, as well as one's approach to interviews, assessments and therapies. One of the "essential" texts that was recommended was Ethnicity & Family Therapy.
Read on to find out to find out more about this text, as well as a few others!
This widely used clinical reference and text provides a wealth of knowledge on culturally sensitive practice with families and individuals from over 40 different ethnic groups. Each chapter demonstrates how ethnocultural factors may influence the assumptions of both clients and therapists, the issues people bring to the clinical context, and their resources for coping and problem solving (goodreads.com).
Reviews of Ethnicity & Family Therapy
"The representation of additional ethnic groups is an important contribution of this compelling new edition. A clear reminder that cultural diversity is a fact of life, this book gives family therapists and other helping professionals a greater understanding of the histories, values, and expectations of the diverse families and individuals we encounter. Important themes resonate throughout, including the ways that religious and spiritual beliefs, historical circumstances, immigration histories, and experiences of racism and prejudice influence contemporary families' strengths and struggles. Every chapter is moving, unique, and highly useful."--Patricia Arredondo, EdD, Counseling/Counseling Psychology Program, Arizona State University; President (2005-2006), American Counseling Association
"Now in its third edition, Ethnicity and Family Therapy remains one of the essential textbooks for developing cultural competence in clinical practice. Unlike any other single book in the field, its 54 chapters provide the most comprehensive description of culture-related family issues relevant to mental health and health care. At the same time, this book wisely teaches us that our understanding of these cultural patterns must incorporate not only ethnicity, but also gender, socioeconomic status, geography, religion, race, and politics, among other factors. A 'must-have' tour de force for seasoned professionals and trainees alike."--Francis G. Lu, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, and San Francisco General Hospital (barnesandnoble.com).
Other Noteworthy Books Suggested by Dr. Lu:
- Disparities in Psychiatric Care: Clinical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Pedro Ruiz and Annelle Primm (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5970178-disparities-in-psychiatric-care?from_search=true)
- The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12609.The_Spirit_Catches_You_and_You_Fall_Down?from_search=true)