Recommended For:
Those interested in a good summer read, those who enjoy mysteries/thrillers, or those interested in law or addictions.
When Downeast local Annette Fiorno is found at the bottom of a ravine, outsider and relapsed drug addict Jimmy Sedgwick is accused of murder. Unassuming Maine lawyer Rob Hanston and big shot attorney Shawn Marks form an unlikely legal team as they attempt to discredit the overwhelming evidence. Addiction on Trial, the first in a series of Shawn Marks Thrillers, revolves around the murder cases of attorney Marks, an egotistical yet likable high-powered Boston attorney who can juggle an array of female companions without taking his eye off the legal challenges of his work. Addiction on Trial sends a powerful message of societal discrimination toward drug addicts and explores common misperceptions about what drug addiction really is—a chronic illness requiring a treatment approach similar to other chronic diseases. Medical and behavioral aspects of addiction are woven into the intrigue of this thriller, which culminates in a riveting murder trial (
Addiction Medicine and Emergency Medicine physician delves into world of substance abuse, family dysfunction and the ‘what-ifs’ of life.
“Addiction on Trial: Tragedy in Downeast Maine” by Dr. Steven Kassels is a unique medical murder mystery/legal thriller that entertains audiences and educates readers through the realistic depiction of the struggles of addiction. The book dissects our societal discrimination toward drug addicts and explores common misperceptions of what addiction really is – a chronic illness requiring a similar treatment approach as other chronic diseases. The book exposes the real challenges of addicts and their families through a trio of characters who are drug dependent on heroin and cocaine, as well as a father who is consumed by alcoholism.
The medical topics unfold while the reader is exposed to a riveting murder trial and the adventures of Shawn Marks, the egotistical but likeable Boston big shot attorney, who juggles an array of female companions without taking his eye off the legal challenges in Downeast Maine.
“Addiction on Trial” combines Dr. Kassels’s professional experiences with current events by delivering its messages in a non-scientific, approachable way in hopes of changing hearts and minds of how best to approach the scourge of addiction. Kassels hopes the book will help to clearly define the disease of addiction as an equal opportunity illness that has no socio-economic barriers while providing insight into the current heroin and prescription drug epidemic ravaging our communities (